Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Finally i bothered.

Yep. Finally i bothered. To blog the way everyone does. Only difference is, im too lazy to find blogskins for use from outside. Its the words that count, after all.

Firstly as another stupid intro, i dont record my everyday lives simply because i simply do not have the time, nothing fascinating happening, or i just cant be bothered. Anyway you can also check out my other blog with a blogskin also as boring as this and shows stuff which cannot be counted as crap.

Oh...and...erm...this is after all a public blog which means its some sort of a public diary so no matter what circumstances or whatever i wont type too much of my stuf inside.

Anyway just wanna combine my entry today inside as well...........................

Well, today is as usual blah blah blah...until after the morning assembly. Today is GP seminar day lol :) Therefore, there will be NO lessons on this day and its gonna be lectures after lectures (actually only 3 lah but anw...). The theme was 'Crime and Punishment' and we weren't too enthusiastic bout it lol. Went to hall, then LT1 and LT4 respectively. Had interesting lectures. Nothing much after that. Just went to the library to print some stuff. Then i went back home and changed. Went out with nothing except myself and my clothings. Wanted to run but i didnt want to faint under the hot sun due to dehydration so i mostly walked after tt.

My trail for today:Went right from the nearest bus stop to Compass Heights. Went forward and turned 90 degrees right round the field. Ran forward till i reached the LRT tracks. Turned right and followed it till i reached the hill at Renjong LRT station and climbed up. Strolled a bit then went down. Followed the tracks further across Tongkang station till the block of flats ended. Turned right again and followed the pathway which turned right again. Went all the way straight till the pathway turned LEFT. Continued on the pathway and turned right to cross the road to Sengkang CC (or something like that). Ran straight to Compass Heights. End of story.

Rested. Changed my make-up schedule from saturday to friday(today). Went to bathe. Went out to International Plaza for my keyboard make-up class. Lasted 1 hour as usual. Went back home and ate dinner. Sat here and type this shit. End of story (9.00pm).

Told ya its gonna be boring. Did i?........sry.


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