Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Today is a special day, but i noe its never gonna be the most special day if my life.

Nevertheless, the day didnt start off well.
Attended maths lecture w/o lecture notes. Gd thing there wasnt any teachers around:) Anw i spent bout an hour at the drum liking psychology more n more. Went home several minutes after the econs lecture(no the lecture isnt for me yeah). Realised i was being a fool for bringing my clothes to college n back again.Got a free trip back to Sengkang for dunno wad reason. Bathed. Played WOW(the MMORPG not DOTA). Reached Harbourfront at 2.10pm(i.e. im late for choir gathering before the start of the clubbin party or something like that). Walked one big round at the WRONG direction before i reached St. James. Loads of us NY pple went into Dragonfly where only women above 18 n men above 23 can go in. It was fun overall though Nicholyn didnt(not couldnt) join us today(nevertheless im glad she didnt; the environment is confirm not for the weak/faint hearted because...). The environment was nice, dark n cool until the dance floor was opened n we danced there. There were lots of smoke, music with the bass sounds(or whatever u call it) that vibrates ur head violently, and lighting that blinds you every split second(EXTREMELY BRIGHT FLASHES OF LIGHT whch flashes freakin quickly). Danced non-stop for 3/2 hours till 6pm then we all had to leave because we're underage.
Had dinner at kopitiam at vivocity. Couldnt finish my bowl of fried fish bee hoon and gave half of it to Zipeng who eventually didnt finish as well. Group by group most of the pple left. I went with some pple(whom i am currently too lazy to list) to take neoprints(the original neoprints machine was taken over by many others many freakin years ago but we still call it neoprints lah.) at somewhere near Somerset(sry i just dont noe the building name). To cut a long story short, we went back home. PERIOD.

And yet i didnt mention my dress code which was:
Morning 8.00am to around 12.30pm--NY sch U with a tight fitting t-shirt which i wore to sleep ytd.
Bout 12.30pm till now--Black cargos, the same tight black t-shirt and a somewhat black shirt. My running shoes. And a horrible hairstyle.

Still have econs tutorial to do...cannot sleep now. Its 11.46pm already.


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