Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I kinda hate this blog.........NOT.

1. I dun crap at Therefore, i do here.
2. Just wanna tell everyone how boring my life is. Seriously.
3. Its where i get the chance to type my 'essays' the way i want.
4. I have a good Long-term memory but nevertheless its still limited.
5. Here is where i do not really do discussions though i do enjoy discussions.
6. Also a platform where i tell everybody that i do not have a love life right now.
7. A place where i tell everybody that fat guys shouldnt be shy bout going on a diet.
8. I do not know how to love myself. Therefore, i do not know how to love others.
9. The above mentioned is absolutely false. God loved me first, which in turn gives me the ability to love others but i cannot love myself.
10. Osburg is a good friend to have, especially if ur weak in physics.
11. Im single and available but depends on what kind of person u are but i noe i also cant be too choosy cos im short fat and ugly.
12. I stopped my piano at grade 5 n thats it but i still can play the piano thank you very much.
13. Zhen Zhi is actually not gay...except when he feels like it.
14. I believe that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the number 13...after all my register number is 13 lol (:

Im a heavy sleeper. Sleep at 10-11pm, wake up at 6-7am.
And i just ran 5 rounds the field near Compass point where the LRT line cuts in the middle. And no i did not run in the middle lane. And it happened this morning.(30/5/07)
Woots finally more exercise after 1 week of fattening food (:


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