Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I love this subject. aint maths. Its psychology. I dunno why. Its actually an arts subject where one is required to write lengthy essays and lots of memory work like history, geography, economics etc.
I already knew that i wanted to study this since sec 4 but had no idea bout the contents....until one fine day after my maths lecture this monday(28/5/07) when i went to the library and took out a huge book on psychology in some sort of syllabus in somewhere else. All i noe is the 1st chapter which is bout memory and stuf like that. Nvm. I thoroughly flipped through the book and found lots of other cooler stuf about psychology(duh) and decided that i might decide to take on psychology as my second degree after chemical engineering.

Well thats bout it...but its only the beginning.


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