Life of Danoob™.

Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

My dreams...didnt disappear. (Part 1)

which happened on 6/6/07 in the morning from 12+ am to around 8+ am. There are 3 parts and im not going to let anyone know about the 1st part cos its insignificant.

2nd part- I saw a novice wrestler who was supposed to wrestle with KANE. The noob wrestler didnt want to put up a fight, so he begged kane that he didnt want to. So in the end he had to lie on the black mats below the ring and let kane slowly inch his way with his full body weight onto the noob wrestler's head. When he finally reached the head, i could hear distinct cracks so sick that i couldnt bear to look at the poor wrestler............

3rd part- Somebody gave me $38.21. I dunno how i got to know the amount; that somebody didnt tell me the amount given and the money was just stuffed onto my right hand. I woke up.

Awake(not wide) - the money wasnt there(obviously). Then somebody told me(was it just me, or the one who gave me the 'money' or what???) that the money will not be used for the wrestler's head injuries, but for................the psychological damage she suffered for watching such a scene...

Suddenly i felt guilty.

8/6/07 12am+ - I realised that the amount of money given is confirm too small but anyway i felt gratitude for the offer.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another wonderful day for me.

Yeah it was certainly a wonderful day for me cos the 1st part was quite stupid.

8.10am- reached sengkang station waiting for the train...duh.
8.17am- train finally arrived. I entered through door 4 as usual and sat opposite tt door at 1 of the 2 seats at the corner.

Heres where the stupid part comes in.

8.17am same time- Opposite where i was sitting there was a big sized malay man in jeans n white shirt with 1 sport shoe on the floor n there was an SBS guy standing beside him. He was an awkward position in some sort of a crunches position.
Buangkok station- another SBS staff came in along with a close friend or relative(most likely bro lah i tink). They decided to get 1 more guy at hougang so they wait some more. Confirmed that he was still breathing.
Hougang station- the 3rd guy came in. Tried to wake him up. The 1st guy confirmed tt he was drunk. Carried him out. Had a little difficluty cos he was heavy. Then his bro(i tink) took the rest of his stuff. End time was bout 8.25-8.27am.
Couldnt take any pics then cos its rude ie violating pple's privacy.
End of 1st part.

Went to church. Sang as usual. But...
I went up for altar call today. Asked Pastor John to pray for my eczema. Could hear his 1st few words then after tt its just betw me n Lord Jesus. For some reason i felt Ps John pushing me backwards gradually n making no effort to do any restraining. And it was at that time when i felt the holy spirit overflowing in me...gradually as well. In my heart i told him tt i didnt really want to fall down(or something like tt) but tt was something i wanted to do for a long time so i just let go. At first I thought i was faking it since i still havent reached the stage of overflow but when i reached the ground.............the feeling was so shiok tt i want to do this everyday. FOR THE FIRST TIME(or so i thought), I FELT MYSELF IN A TOTAL STATE OF REST WITH A FULLY CONSCIOUS MIND. In my mind, i felt myself not being able to practicing my faith in my mind(or something like tt)...all i did was to go "Thank you Jesus" over and over again and simply breathe in the presence...
I continued in my state of rest cos i was kinda tired...
But i was worried tt i'll be the last to stand up.
So i got up...........................and found that i was the 2nd last to get up........-_-.
End of part 2.
Just wanna apologise to the non-christians who were reading this...but all this is true. I dont swear, but its true. Get to know Jesus not through knowledge, but through experience.
Nothing interesting after that.