Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

My dreams...didnt disappear. (Part 1)

which happened on 6/6/07 in the morning from 12+ am to around 8+ am. There are 3 parts and im not going to let anyone know about the 1st part cos its insignificant.

2nd part- I saw a novice wrestler who was supposed to wrestle with KANE. The noob wrestler didnt want to put up a fight, so he begged kane that he didnt want to. So in the end he had to lie on the black mats below the ring and let kane slowly inch his way with his full body weight onto the noob wrestler's head. When he finally reached the head, i could hear distinct cracks so sick that i couldnt bear to look at the poor wrestler............

3rd part- Somebody gave me $38.21. I dunno how i got to know the amount; that somebody didnt tell me the amount given and the money was just stuffed onto my right hand. I woke up.

Awake(not wide) - the money wasnt there(obviously). Then somebody told me(was it just me, or the one who gave me the 'money' or what???) that the money will not be used for the wrestler's head injuries, but for................the psychological damage she suffered for watching such a scene...

Suddenly i felt guilty.

8/6/07 12am+ - I realised that the amount of money given is confirm too small but anyway i felt gratitude for the offer.


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