Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another wonderful day for me.

Yeah it was certainly a wonderful day for me cos the 1st part was quite stupid.

8.10am- reached sengkang station waiting for the train...duh.
8.17am- train finally arrived. I entered through door 4 as usual and sat opposite tt door at 1 of the 2 seats at the corner.

Heres where the stupid part comes in.

8.17am same time- Opposite where i was sitting there was a big sized malay man in jeans n white shirt with 1 sport shoe on the floor n there was an SBS guy standing beside him. He was an awkward position in some sort of a crunches position.
Buangkok station- another SBS staff came in along with a close friend or relative(most likely bro lah i tink). They decided to get 1 more guy at hougang so they wait some more. Confirmed that he was still breathing.
Hougang station- the 3rd guy came in. Tried to wake him up. The 1st guy confirmed tt he was drunk. Carried him out. Had a little difficluty cos he was heavy. Then his bro(i tink) took the rest of his stuff. End time was bout 8.25-8.27am.
Couldnt take any pics then cos its rude ie violating pple's privacy.
End of 1st part.

Went to church. Sang as usual. But...
I went up for altar call today. Asked Pastor John to pray for my eczema. Could hear his 1st few words then after tt its just betw me n Lord Jesus. For some reason i felt Ps John pushing me backwards gradually n making no effort to do any restraining. And it was at that time when i felt the holy spirit overflowing in me...gradually as well. In my heart i told him tt i didnt really want to fall down(or something like tt) but tt was something i wanted to do for a long time so i just let go. At first I thought i was faking it since i still havent reached the stage of overflow but when i reached the ground.............the feeling was so shiok tt i want to do this everyday. FOR THE FIRST TIME(or so i thought), I FELT MYSELF IN A TOTAL STATE OF REST WITH A FULLY CONSCIOUS MIND. In my mind, i felt myself not being able to practicing my faith in my mind(or something like tt)...all i did was to go "Thank you Jesus" over and over again and simply breathe in the presence...
I continued in my state of rest cos i was kinda tired...
But i was worried tt i'll be the last to stand up.
So i got up...........................and found that i was the 2nd last to get up........-_-.
End of part 2.
Just wanna apologise to the non-christians who were reading this...but all this is true. I dont swear, but its true. Get to know Jesus not through knowledge, but through experience.
Nothing interesting after that.


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