Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Friday, December 28, 2007

2 Camps + 1 Cruise + Couple of Christmas and Birthday Parties

equals to "Hey u nigs out there, I've no shit time for da stinkin homework yo zzzz...... *snore* "

its like...........Shit!!!!
i nvr blogged since the start of my hols :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@...........

nvm. It aint matter.

What matters is wad to tell them all da great shit i've gone through :P

1st Camp: JC Leadership Camp for Christians by SYFC


Packed my stuf all at Day 0.
Seriously, when Christine invited me to go back then, i just agreed without knowing what lies ahead of me. I just moved by faith...dun even noe where we r campin and stuf and like wad r we gonna do and lots of other stuf....haha.

So i just went.

Day 1: I DUN EVEN NOE WHERE'S THE MEETING PLACE :p~~~:@ i received a call from my team leader Ee Han at day 0 (TEAM JET WILL TAUPOK U ONE DAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
and henceforth i bombard him with calls cos i noe nothing bout the camp...
Ok so I went to Bishan MRT (i forgot about bus 156 so i went from purple to red line which is a long time but no worries cos i left early) and got pissed cos im the only one carrying a sleeping bag amidst the non-camping crowd. Den he came (which is different from the facial expression i depicted through his voice) and told me tt we went to watch a movie together one day at Toa Payoh with Christine and the others. Ok we did, but still i dun recognise him...
At macs in J8 sitting right there are two unfamilliar characters..........OR NOT!!! Its Ming Ting and Samuel ^_^ (My juniors...haha). Paiseh. We long time no see liao. haha.
But no.......i went ahead with Ee Han while they were eating lunch...ahahahahah. I pangseh-ed them.
The rest of the events were uneventful other than meeting more pple from other JCs.
Campsite: Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec.....uh... I noe its Shao Ning and Shao Qi's School but........^_^""

24/2/08 12.10am - paiseh now den coem back to blogging. I dun wanna edit anymore.


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