Life of Danoob™.

Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

My plans for the near future (only some. others are simply too far out to achieve,)

Long time no blog. Finally im back:) (if anyone noticed)

Oh n btw Nicholyn i didnt post tt info that i asked u to read quite a fair bit ago...nor to i plan to post anything bout it anw. Its supposed to be bout my church camp 07. Period. about my plans for the future. This time its not 100% listing.

Yup...uhh...first of all...i better start mugging even after getting kicked out of the U club. And...erm...maybe before the promos i might consider starting something radical...

Ok n before the 'radical' stuff, i have to settle something...and aw man i had to forgot wad i have to settle.

Anw as part of the youth camp commitee, im gonna do my best and will rope in as much as possible (min. 2 pple)

And...i still have a long way to go for my weight loss regime though things have changed a little since i've stopped dieting (but no excessive fattening foods).

About my mugging, my dad asked me to focus on everything except econs. lol.

Ok enough about my mugging. I'll post it on another post.

Ok heres the 'radical' stuff:
More than 3 months ago (i think) i received a call from somebody who approached me back at Tampines JC after the 2nd orientation(1st day) to take part in some kind of Amazing Race for Christian youths. Yeah but in the end i didnt turn up for the event. But that wasnt the point. The point is that she called me to ask if i wanted to start a bible study group (or something like that) in my current JC and wanted to arrange for a meeting. In the end i asked her for her email add for msn but... though i did add her but that was where it ended ie i never communicated with her since then. However, i still didnt forget about the plan about starting a bible study group but i was thinking of a session of praise and worship instead where many christians in NYJC can congregate and uh... come together. At the meantime maybe we can also get to save some people while we're at it.

Here's the plan:
A survey will be carried out to the college to find out the population of christians and at the same time dig out some musicians and stuf. Depending on the population, we will have to find a place suitable for the population available (population refers to those who are willing to go and serve; a tutorial room will be too small for a 100+ population and lt4 will be too big). Another big problem will be whether the authorities are willing to allow us to carry out such an event. Theres also a problem regarding the equipment and stuf cos we will need the instruments quite frequently and lots of AVA equipment. Theres also the problem of the time slot for the event. I was thinking of taking up 30 mins off the common lunch break but i will then need people who are: Musicians and some AVA crew(we can only afford christians to do the task) and lots of other people who are willing to take 30 mins off their common lunch break to attend the praise and worship session. We will also need the support of christian lecturers etc. to ensure that authority is upheld in case any antichrist comes to disrupt our praise and worship session

I know im getting too lenghty here but i really have lots of stuff to type about.
Anw i also know that there are lots of other things to consider about but my brain needs to rest right now.

For further enquires you can contact me by this number (98765939) and my email add ( and )

One last thing- theres no guarantee that this event will ever start or whatever. Im just a freakin student and has no say in lots of stuff around here.