Life of Danoob™.

Location: nowhere, zzz, Singapore

nothing. period.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Cant decide on the title sry.

Long time no

Lets all forget about the 'radical stuff cos i didnt plan to make it happen anyway.

Btw right now as im typing this im actually on the last day of my holiday at Cameron Highlands with my family n neighbours. Lol and this didnt even come from a laptop.

But since im really on a holiday right now im gonna make it really short. Yeah.

Started to mug? Only very recently. The previous post was bullshit. I even brought my Physics tutorial on my holiday and i actually did it :)

Anw heres my plan: Do physics during the hols, chem after the hols and forget bout maths n other subjects unless i have the time. As simple as that.

Maybe i should be finishing right now but i really dun feel like doing so. Dun ask me why.

And no right now im not going to describe what happened from the 1st day to now. Its only going to be lengthier.

Last but not least, we are planning a youth camp 07 which will happen on 5-7 December or something like that lah. Should you be interested feel free to call or msg me at 98765939. I will tell you everything i know which is actually very little.